Boombin and Lama a story of friendship…..investigation…and adventure!


Boombin and Lama a story of friendship…..investigation…and adventure!
Boona Cheema & Damon Guthrie
Outskirts Press Inc
10940 South Parker Road, #515, Parker, CO 80134
9781478722502, $19.95,

There are so many things wrong with “Boombin and Lama” that detract from any enjoyment of this kid’s book. “Boombin and Lama” is filled with too many messages and not enough story or characters to enjoy, the print on many pages blends in with the artwork making it difficult to read, and the cover is not exciting enough to entice a person to want to read the book. These are just a few of its problems “Boombin and Lama” is a prime example of why POD or self published books have a bad reputation.

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