Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour


Originally announced in November, 2010, a little more than a year-and-a-half after the legendary pop star’s death, Immortal is the musical tapestry for Cirque du Soleil’s Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour.  Led by esteemed musical designer, Kevin Antunes (Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Madonna) Immortal took a fresh, creative approach in redesigning and reimagining more than 40 of Michael Jackson’s greatest original recordings into a compilation that allows listeners to experience his music in an entirely new way.

Immortal offered listeners a new soundscape to Michael’s artistry while preserving the power and familiarity of his unparalleled voice and his legendary tracks. Immortal unfolded all over again his musical legacy with redesigned versions of his hits, electrifying mashups and newly discovered outtakes fans had never heard before, including an alternate take on the Jackson 5’s “ABC” and a choir that Michael recorded for “They Don’t Really Care About Us.”

The Musical Tapestry for Cirque Du Soleil's Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour. Pre-Order Now!

Immortal has come rushing back to the forefront of public attention as the music is again being offered to fans of the King of Pop everywhere.  His sound is forever.   His lyrics eternal.  The music is timeless.  Michael Jackson is Immortal.  Order your copy today.