Shan Rose: Parramore Oaks –Too Much Crime and No Leadership

Shan Rose, candidate for Orlando District 5 City Commission seat.

District 5 Candidate Says Incumbent Out of Touch

ON POINT MEDIA GROUP/August 23, 2021

Orlando Florida – Candidate Shaniqua “Shan” Rose for District 5, City of Orlando has sent a letter to city administrator Walter Hawkins requesting a meeting and investigation as a concerned community leader about the conditions in the Parramore Oaks neighborhood.

On Wednesday, August 18, 2021, there were five shots fired at at Riley Park. No one was injured, but tenants are afraid. Drugs are sold in the open, residents say, and the neighborhood is teetering on the brink under the weight an increasing homelessness problem.

In a news report from WFTV 9, resident Paris Johnson says, “In the stairway, we have homeless people. The gate is constantly being broken into, and I don’t feel safe. Three or four days in a row, there’s always some shooting.”

In 2019 when the complex opened, Commissioner Regina Hill released a statement saying “it will bring about community pride, because you now have safe, adequate and beautiful housing.”

“The question now we must ask ourselves,” says Candidate Shan Rose, “is where is the leadership, and where is the community pride? There has been a betrayal of public trust in Orlando District 5. How can Commissioner Hill say she is doing a good job, when tenants are scared and afraid in their homes and community.”

Hill, on the other hand, touts on her website that she has been instrumental in bringing over 1,400 new affordable single and multifamily units to District Five since 2016. She helped create the City’s Housing First Innovative that has paid 70% of the rent for more than 380 of the district’s most vulnerable residents. Incumbents are usually difficult to unseat.

Rose says she is up to the task. She is proposing a Safety Task Force to reduce crime.

“Eradicating crime, reducing drug activity, and violence would be a coordinated effort from the Safety Task Force by working in conjunction with the Orlando Police Department,” says Rose. “The Safety Task Force would act as a neighborhood spokesperson and in some situations de-escalate non-violent issues, because they are a familiar face in the neighborhood.“

Go to for more information about Candidate Rose’s platform.