TGR: The Puppet is a Puppet

Image of Lucius Gantt
Lucius Gantt is a columnist and commentator on political and social affairs. Contact him at

     The United States House of Representatives is being controlled by a small number of Republican Congressmen who are determined to destroy the image of the American government.

The Gantt Report, by Lucius Gantt

      The two major political parties oftentimes disagree about how the government can best serve the people.

      That approach is not a problem. History shows differences in political thought will always occur and differences are all right.

      The Gantt Report wants Black community members to know how government normally works so our people won’t get bamboozled.

      Congress is like a puppet show. Lobbyists, corporations with huge budgets for political campaigns, and foreign individuals, businesses, and governments that seek to influence governmental actions, all pull the political strings of political puppets.

      The big concern for the U.S. government is funding. Money is needed to pay the government salaries and fund government subsidies like Medicare, social security, housing and urban development, education, border improvements, and more.

      If you don’t know, the appropriation of government money that comes from your taxes and fees, and from other sources, is all that Congress and Legislatures are required to do.

      In other words, elected officials divide the government’s money.

      So, how can the government officials do what should be done if Republicans and Democrats hate each other?

      The answer is easy. They compromise!

     Normally, no individual politician; or no political party member gets every bill passed or every appropriation that they desire.

      Democrats get a little of what they want, and Republicans get a little of what they want. At the end of the Congressional day, so to speak, both sides of the aisle are a little bit happy and a little bit sad.

        Why is that? It is because all lobbyists will continue to get paid regardless and will tell their clients if they pay me a little bit more, we’ll get everything done next year.

        It shouldn’t be a secret why Americans are concerned about how Republicans have been radicalized.

           Stevie Wonder can see that Donald Trump has agreed to do anything and everything that Vladimir Putin wants him to do and at least eight Republican members of the House will do everything that Trump tells them to do.

           You have a small but vocal group of nationalistic insurrection supporters who want to destroy Democracy in America. Even most Republicans say the political “puppets” want to burn (Congress) down.

           But don’t worry. America will fund the government and pay its bills sooner or later.

           The defense lobby will not let “The Hateful 8” stop Lockheed, Haliburton, and other defense contractors from enriching themselves by selling bombs and bullets to the Biden administration to forward to Ukraine.

            Flips by Democrats and Republicans are far more dangerous than the summersaults made by Simone Biles!

            The puppets are puppets! 

Author Profile

Lucius is a contributing columnist to NNPA newspapers around the nation, and the author of “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing,” available on and from bookstores everywhere.