The Tools We Need To Talk To Teens About Choices


    Warren, MI, April 29, 2015 – Kevin Kuczynski’s compelling collection of real problems he’s encountered over his years as a counselor in a high school draws from the perspective of the students themselves. Behind the Counselor’s Door: Teenagers’ True Confessions, Trials, and Triumphs (HCI Books) bridges the gap between adults and teenagers and has the potential to jump-start important conversations in homes all around the country. He covers school-related issues such as homework and attendance and much heavier subjects such as dealing with grief, drug and alcohol addiction, and pressures of dating. He offers support through the pages of his book to those who may be lacking it and uses the stories to motivate teens to take stock in their own life.

    Kuczynski is a counselor at Cousino High School in Warren, Michigan, providing responsive services including counseling, consultation, referral and peer meditation.  He doesn’t claim to know all the answers, but graciously opens his door wide enough for the reader to get a glimpse of the types of problems teenagers face today. While it may seem easier to let these problems control their lives, Kevin urges his readers not to let their past define who they will be in the future.