TGR: Not the Beginning or the End


    The Gantt Report

    By Lucius Gantt 

         To the majority of African Americans, the gathering of white supremacist and white nationalist insurrectionists in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021 was neither the beginning or the end of opposition to democracy and American law.

          Black people that were disrespected, disparaged, demeaned, exploited and oppressed on January 6, 1821 were still being mistreated and disenfranchised in 2021.

         No doubt, the BIG lie about the 2020 election being stolen is not as big as the earlier lie about “all men are created equal”.

         There is little difference between being called a slave, an ex-slave and an offspring or descendant of slaves.

         Too many Capitol policemen and other first responders trying to defend the Capitol and to protect the governmental process on January 6, 2021 were beaten, bashed and called “nigger” by throngs of Ku Klux Klansmen, armed militiamen and Nazi sympathizers just like they were called the n-word centuries earlier.

         It’s no secret, people around the world see the United States government as a legislative body permeated with white racists.

         Travel bans are racist, immigration policies are racist, lending policies are racist, incarceration and arrest policies are racist, employment and hiring practices are racist, health care plans and policies are racist, education policies are racist, views on culture and history are racist and so on and so forth.

         I knew, you knew and the government knew what Donald Trump’s rally was about and that an attack on the Capitol was planned, orchestrated and implemented to overturn the fair and legal election of President Joe Biden.

         Think about it for a minute. Could Black Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, LBGTQ Americans attack the government of the United States and not be shot down before one window was broken, before one door was breeched and before one law enforcement officer was injured or killed?

         OK, we also know that some members of Congress had roles in the diabolical and deadly attack. Do you think those elected officials and governmental staffers and employees will go to jail for attempting to disrupt a legal governmental process to certify election results?

         I think not.

         On the bright side, I think and pray that there are more good people in America and in the world than there are bad people, but the good folk have to be recognized and distinguished from the evil people.

         The American voters are upset about their votes that were cast for puppets and parrots that will forever rubber-stamp government protections or non-protections that will help in their reelections.

       A luta continua, if you don’t know what that means, it means the struggle continues.

        January 6, 2021 was not the beginning of white supremacist misconduct and it will not be the end!

    Author Profile

    Lucius is a contributing columnist to NNPA newspapers around the nation, and the author of “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing,” available on and from bookstores everywhere.