Hillary Clinton scored decisive victories in the California, New Jersey and New Mexico primaries on Tuesday and clinched the Democratic nomination– at least in terms of delegate count. In so doing she became the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for the office of the presidency, and the first woman in American history to run for President of the United States. If Sen. Bernie Sanders has his way, though, Tuesday’s victories will be nothing more than statistical inkblots on the pages of political history.
Still, Clinton immediately appealed to Sanders’ supporters to come together to prevent a Trump victory in the fall. President Barack Obama did the very same thing after the bitter campaign rivalry between him and Hillary Clinton eight years ago.
While Sanders has told supporters he is determined to prevent a Trump win in November, he has consistently indicated he intends to continue his campaign up to the date of the Democratic Convention,. He has said he believes he can change the minds of super delegates whose votes are not truly committed until actually cast. But the handwriting certainly seems to be on the wall.
“I am pretty good in arithmetic,” Sanders told reporters, “and I know that the fight in front of us is a very, very steep fight. But we will continue to fight for every vote and every delegate we can get.”